Thursday, June 23, 2022

Slow week

 At certain points in a build, progress comes down to courage as much as it does knowledge or determination.  Knowing what needs to be done, and generally how to do it still requires the courage to make i,rreversible cuts, decisions about placement, drilling holes in walls, etc, etc.  

I've let several of those things slide until now - I have multiple tasks, each of which require the courage to make happen.  

First, up front.  I was probably overly ambitious with the headboard design.  It came out just fine, but in the process, I buried several things in the background - all of which now need attention before I can seal it up.  I finally got the hinges for the headboard doors, and installed them.  Check.

I cut (and re-cut) and varnished the dividers that sit between the storage and utility bays in the headboard, cut and varnished the back wall of the bays, and sort of figured out what goes where in terms of power, ducts and connections in general.  Pics on the front end next week.  So it's now ready to seal up which should happen this weekend.

The other end of this project is the hatch.  I've left it for last just because it's, well, the hatch.  Several design elements were left to figure out as I went along, and now things like gasketing, final end caps and so on are coming back to haunt me.  

The good news is that the skeleton is screwed and glued, and it's reasonably square.  Outer skin will go on tomorrow (glue and staples, and then I will work on end caps and attaching the hurricane hinge.  

Other tasks for the weekend:  

  • Sand and varnish the cabin sole (floor)
  • Mount the heater and route ductwork to vents
  • Cut roof skin, seal and install MaxxFan
  • Continue work on corner trim
More pictures next week - promise.

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