Actually, it's _sand_ blasted frame! It's grey, mighty grey. The welds all look OK, no cracks, no warps. By Friday it'll be very black. @MarcoSandblastingCo - Minneapolis
Build blog for Swampwerks Teardrop #1. I don't really plan on building another, but hey - who knows. Hopefully this will be fun and maybe helpful for someone else down the road.
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Hindsight is [almost] always 20/20...
As I've said before, this trailer has been a very agile project. There have been more than a few compromises, changes, and adjustments...

After more than a little frustration with FreeCAD over the weekend, I was finally able to pin my woes down to a couple of things: My draw...
As I've said before, this trailer has been a very agile project. There have been more than a few compromises, changes, and adjustments...
I was hoping to post pics of the wheels installed, the wiring all done, and talk about getting the deck on. And with a little luck I'l...
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